Skyward Student and Family Access

Tri-Creek School Corporation is pleased to announce that we have partnered with Skyward to provide an enhanced and robust student information system. Skyward School Management Software provides parents with the capability to view portions, in real time, of their child’s academic record via the internet. Through secure usernames and passwords, parents will have access to only their child’s information. As with all passwords, it is important to not share the password with others.
The information available for viewing includes:
Attendance Report — a summary of absences and tardies
Discipline Report — a summary of all discipline encounters
Progress Report — the student’s current grades
Homework Agenda — a list of assignments taught/due
Assignment Summaries — by class, parents and students will be able to see all assignments, the score on each assignment, and the overall grade
Web Messages — see messages posted by the school or teachers pertaining to the individual student and his/her classes
A mobile app available for iPhone, Android, or Windows Phone
Once you have entered Skyward, you will have the options of viewing your child’s school Web Messages, Attendance Report, Discipline Report, Progress Report, Homework Agenda, and Student Assignment Summaries by clicking on the appropriate links. You may print any of the reports by using your web browser’s usual print function.
Skyward Family Access and Instructions
Using your provided account information you can login to Skyward. You should use these links if you are registering your child.
Detailed instructions for online registration can be found below. These instructions are only to be used by returning students — families new to Tri-Creek should attend onsite registration.
Online Registration Frequently Asked Questions
As we go through online registration and questions from parents begin coming in we will be updating this section in order to assist you with the process.
Q: I am trying to complete registration and it keeps telling me that not all steps are completed.
A: When you complete the information requested in a step you need to scroll to the bottom of the page to find the button that says Complete Step # Only and click it. When you do that you should see a checkmark appear next to that step. You can then go on to the next step by using the Next Step button or by clicking directly on the step. If you fill out the information and do not click the Complete Step # Only button or just click the Next Step button it WILL NOT save your information. Please make sure you see a checkmark next to that step before you go on. See below for an example of this button.
Q: When I log in I do not see anywhere that I can register.
A: First, please make sure that you are logging into your parent Skyward account and not your child's Skyward account. Student Skyward accounts will not allow them to register, it must be done by a parent.
In families with more than one parent/guardian that has Skyward access one account may have registration access and the other may not. Please contact your child's school to ensure that you have Skyward Family Access turned on for your account.
Q: I not know my login ID or password. What do I need to do?
A: You can also attempt to request your username and password by going to the Skyward Forgotten Login/Password Assistance link. Please note that if you do not have an email in Skyward this will not work and you will have to contact your child's school.
Q: I am trying to register via phone or tablet and I am having trouble. Can registration be done this way?
A: While some parents have reported success with registering via a phone or a tablet it is strongly recommended that you register via a computer or laptop in order to ensure that all registration steps have been completed. Depending on your mobile device some of the dropdown menus required for signing off on documentation will not work correctly.
Q: My online registration information is not working or I'm having a problem. Should I show up to onsite registration for assistance?
A: No, onsite registration is only for families new to Tri-Creek or those that do not have internet access. Please wait until Tuesday, August 1 to call your child's school for assistance as we are working with other families at registration.
Q: Will a delay in registration or problems getting registered affect my child's class placement or school transfers?
A: No, students that are registered online are already placed into classes and schools. Registering late will not change those placements. Online registration is just a confirmation that you are returning for the current school year.
Q: I am not able to update info in some of the Student Information sections in step 2.
A: There are some items in Step 2 that cannot be updated, such as address, emergency information (doctor, health conditions), and health information. These fields are set up as read-only so that you can review what information we have in Skyward for your student but not make changes. If these fields need to be updated or you see incorrect information please contact your child's school after August 1st to update as we may need to share that information with a school nurse or residency officer.
Requesting a secure username and password for Skyward
If you are new to Tri-Creek School Corporation in order to be able to access your child/children's information, you will need a Skyward account. There will be opportunities to request an account for each child during fall registration, parent conferences, open houses, or submit a request form to the school building. If you would like to add additional parents/guardians to allow them to access your child's information please contact your child's school. Your secure account login ID and password information will be emailed to you.