Emergency Procedures

This information outlines some of the key elements of the Tri-Creek School Corporation's plans and procedures for alerting the community when a potential emergency occurs. Please refer to this information in the event that there is a concern of an emergency situation.

When an emergency occurs at school, what should parents do?

  • Monitor calls, emails, text messages, and Facebook posts from the school.
  • Do not call the school in emergency situations so that phone lines can remain open for emergency communication.
  • Understand that if an emergency is declared, access to the school campus may be restricted. Do not remove your child(ren) from a school building without signing them out.
  • Children will only be released to an adult listed in Skyward as an emergency contact. Please make sure this individual has appropriate photo identification.

Before an emergency occurs, how can parents help?

  • Make sure child's Skyward emergency information is correct and up to date.
  • Let children know that if an emergency occurs while they are in school, their teachers will provide them with appropriate instructions.
  • Keep the school nurse informed of a child's medical condition and provide emergency medical supplies and medication.
  • Keep alert to activity around the schools and on school grounds. Report any suspicious activities.

Communication during an Emergency

All Tri-Creek School Corporation media communications will flow through school and district administrative offices.

School Delays / Closures / Early Dismissals

Announcements will be made usually by 5:30 a.m. via calls, emails, text messages, Facebook, and the school district website.

Things you can do:

  • Listen to radio or television stations for school closures or emergency dismissals. These stations are listed below.
  • Do not call the school, district office, or radio or television stations. Use the School Closings Tipline at 219-696-6661, extension 1.
  • Talk to your child about what procedures to follow, including what to do if s/he comes home early and you are not there. Make arrangements with neighbors or give your child a number to call so s/he can check in.

What to Expect from Tri-Creek School Corporation During an Emergency

In an emergency, the priority of Tri-Creek School Corporation is to protect the safety and well-being of all students and staff. Our response follows the "I Love U Guys" Standard Response Protocol (SRP), which provides a structured, easily understood framework for emergency actions. Following is how we prepare and respond:

School Responsibilities in an Emergency

  • Immediate Accountability and Care:  Staff will account for every student and attend to any special needs. Injured students will receive medical attention as quickly as possible.
  • Safety and Security:  Students will be sheltered in the safest possible location on school grounds until it is safe to reunite them with their families.

District Commitment to Emergency Preparedness

Our district ensures the following:

  • Emergency Training: All students and staff are trained in preparedness and response procedures to maximize safety during emergencies.
  • Planned Response: Personnel are prepared to follow procedures that aim to prevent injuries, minimize property damage, and provide appropriate support.
  • Family Communication: We regularly inform families about emergency preparedness measures and provide guidance on protecting themselves and their property.
  • Emergency Procedures Transparency: Families are briefed on our school emergency management procedures so that school and home can cooperate to best support students.

Protective Actions

Depending on the situation, the school will implement one of the following Standard Response Protocols (SRP) actions:

  • Hold
    Example Trigger: Hallways need to be kept clear (e.g., for medical needs).
    • Response: Students and staff remain in classrooms or designated areas until further notice. Doors are secured, but regular activities continue within rooms.
  • Secure
    Example Trigger: A threat is outside the school.
    • Response: Exterior doors are secured, and no one is allowed to enter or exit. Normal activities continue inside the building under increased supervision.
  • Lockdown
    Example Trigger: An immediate threat is on or near school grounds.
    • Response: Students and staff immediately move to the safest locked area, lights are turned off, and silence is maintained. All remain in lockdown until law enforcement provides an all-clear.
  • Evacuate
    Example Trigger: A need to leave the building (e.g., a fire or structural issue).
    • Response: Students and staff evacuate to a safe location. In certain cases, they may be relocated to an alternative site, following instructions from emergency agencies.
  • Shelter
    Example Trigger: Severe weather or hazardous materials incident.
    • Response: Students and staff move to designated shelter areas within the building. Emergency instructions specific to the event are followed to ensure safety.

Each response is designed to maximize safety and provide clear actions for staff, students, and parents.

To view our Standard Response Protocol in detail, please look at the SRP poster below for more information about each of the protective actions we may take.

Protective Actions ENProtective Actions SP

After an Emergency, Release of Students to Parent / Guardian

  • During any emergency, school personnel will maintain as safe and normal environment for children with the school as is possible. School is not automatically canceled in emergency situations. Remember, school may be the safest place for children to be.
  • If you are told to pick up your child, report to the parent check-in area.

Parent Check-In Area During Reunification

When you arrive at the parent check-in area, you or your designated trusted adult will be asked to complete a Student Release Form with the following information:

  • Name(s) of child(ren) being picked up
  • Adult's full name
  • Adult's relationship to the child(ren) being picked up
  • Phone number of the adult picking up the child(ren)
  • Birthdate of child(ren)
  • Grade(s) of child(ren)
  • Current valid identification with a photograph required when a parent or trusted adult signs for the child.

Frequently asked questions:

Q: What support services will the school system provide if an incident occurs?

A: If an incident occurs, a Crisis Response Team will be sent to the school to help students and staff cope with the emotional impact of the crisis. The Crisis Response Team consists of counselors, school nurses, social workers, and school psychologists who have received specialized training.

Q: Are there evacuation plans for students with disabilities?

A: Your district has developed evacuation procedures specific to your child's needs.

Q: How can school system resources support the community during a crisis?

A: In cooperation with the American Red Cross, school facilities are available to be used as emergency shelters.

Q: With whom may I speak to obtain more information about school safety?

A: Contact a school administrator for additional information about the safety plans for your child's school.