Educational Technology

The Educational Technology Department at Tri-Creek School Corporation oversees the integration of technology into the curriculum at all levels and assists teachers with the maintenance and use of teaching and learning technologies.

In 2012 Lowell High School and Lowell Middle School began a one-to-one laptop program that has grown to encompass a 24/7 take-home program for over 2,000 students in grades 6-12. This program expanded to every student in grades K-12 in 2015. All students at Tri-Creek School Corporation are issued a mobile device (iPad or laptop) in order to maximize opportunities for creativity and collaboration. 

The Educational Technology Department also supports the growth of online and blended learning in the classroom in order to prepare students for their future where anywhere, anytime learning is the norm.

Finally, the Educational Technology team supports district initiatives such as data-driven decision-making and stakeholder communication by supporting essential district systems such as Skyward, the student information system; and our mass notification systems.

Educational Technology

Jay Blackman

Jay Blackman

Director of Educational Technology

  • Email Jay Blackman
Philip Johannsen

Philip Johannsen

Systems Administrator-1 to 1 Support

  • Email Philip Johannsen
Robert Kusbel

Robert Kusbel

Network Engineer

  • Email Robert Kusbel
Elizabeth Kusmisz

Elizabeth Kusmisz

District Technology Department Clerk

  • Email Elizabeth Kusmisz
Jacob McCullough

Jacob McCullough

Data Coordinator

  • Email Jacob McCullough