eLearning Day Information

How do I get assistance on an eLearning Day?

In the event that school is called off due to inclement weather or other emergencies and an eLearning day is announced, Tri-Creek School Corporation will have several supports in place to assist students and families in completing eLearning day activities.

Contact your Classroom Teacher — teachers will be available between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. CST to assist with questions regarding class content and assignments. Your student's classroom teacher(s) will establish the times they will be available during that timeframe and when they can respond to questions.

Contact the Help Desk — during an eLearning day, Tri-Creek will maintain a help desk for assistance with technical problems, including laptop issues and difficulty accessing websites/logins for classroom tools. The help desk will not be able to assist with questions on specific assignments or provide information about classroom expectations—these should be directed to the classroom teacher.

The eLearning day help desk is available from 8:00 a.m. until 3:30 p.m. the day of an eLearning day. Support by phone can be reached by calling 219-696-6661 and dialing extension 1315. You can also receive support via email by emailing elearning@tricreek.k12.in.us. Please note that these services are only available the day of an eLearning day. All questions once school resumes should be directed to the classroom teacher for assistance.

Canvas Parent Guide