Oak Hill Elementary School News
We have some exciting news to share with our Oak Hill families as we start the school y...

We wanted to communicate that the Oak Hill office is now officially closed for the summ...
Shreveport, LA April 20, 2023 Ascend Education announced today that Samantha Gill in...
This year we have implemented a new award. It is Volunteer of the Year! We could not be...
We are beyond proud of our Math Bowl team. They received FIRST PLACE in the red divisio...
We would like to thank all of you who joined us for our Lemonade War Family Night! A gr...
Join PTO on March 15 from 5-6:30 in the cafeteria for Bingo for Books. You may enter th...
The Nifty Notes choir earned a GOLD rating at their ISMMA contest this past weekend! Th...
Our school raised $3,214 for Alex's Lemonade Stand to fight childhood cancer! Our g...
Inspired by our One School, One Book initiative, 1st grader Amelia Cooper and 3rd grade...
On March 2, our first-grade students got to participate in Discovery Kitchen! Chartwell...
Mrs. Connell's class had a great day sharing their habitat projects. They also had ...
Today, the peer mentors from Lowell High School visited all of our classes in grades K-...
Mrs. Wierzba's class met their compliment goal and celebrated with a cotton candy a...
Our kindergarten and first-grade teams were recently trained in Minds in Motion. Visit ...

Congratulations to the following students who made the Math Bowl team: Addison Alexand...
Mrs. Ludlow's class has been learning about forces. Yesterday, they focused on lift...
Enjoy just a few photos from this afternoon's Pie in the Face assembly! There are m...
Congratulations to our Robotics team! We made it to the top 10 again! Congrat...
Wednesday, February 1 was World Read Aloud Day. Mrs. Haskin's class earned a popcor...
Nurse Meredith went to Mrs. Heaviland's second grade class to teach them all about ...
Mr. Evan Colson was the guest principal this morning! He helped me place orders for our...
Congratulations to Addison Collins and Wyatt Aloia for being nominated for our Somethin...
We have been recognizing kindness! Students and staff were given the opportunity to wri...
Please click here to read our February News from the Nest!