Mrs. Kelly Chavez
Enrollment/Withdraw Information
Our Registrar, Mrs. Kelly Chavez is available to help you with all of your questions related to enrolling or withdrawing from LHS.
How do I enroll as a new student?
To enroll as a new student at Lowell High School, please call Kelly Chavez at 219-696-7733, ext. 1741 to set up an appointment to obtain a letter of residency. At that appointment, two proofs of residency (such as a copy of a utility bill and a lease) will be required. After obtaining the letter of residency you should call our counseling secretary at 696-7733, ext. 1738 to set up an appointment to see a counselor. The parent or guardian will need to bring a copy of the student's birth certificate, immunization records, and a transcript (if the student is enrolling as a sophomore, junior, or senior).
How do I withdraw or transfer from Lowell High School?
Please make an appointment to visit the school counseling office and fill out the appropriate paperwork. Call Kelly Chavez at 696-7733, ext. 1741.