Ms. Kelly Hurst Attendance Secretary
Attendance Information
Ms. Kelly Hurst is our attendance secretary. She is happy to answer any attendance-related questions.
Please follow the procedures below when your child will be absent.
You can call the LHS Attendance Office at any time to leave a message regarding your child's attendance(24-hour call-off number): (219) 750-1723. You can also email information regarding absences to Ms. Hurst at LHSattendance@tricreek.k12.in.us
- A parent/guardian is to telephone the school office by 9:00 a.m. on the morning of a child's absence to report the child's circumstances
- Parents/guardians who do not telephone the school may receive a call inquiring about the child's whereabouts.
- If the parent/guardian does not telephone in the child’s absence, a note indicating the reason for the child's absence signed by the parent/guardian must be presented to school officials the day the child returns to school.
- If no note or call is received within two (2) days of the absence, the absence will remain unexcused/truancy for the record.